$id limit 0,1"); $numrowsnext = mysqli_num_rows($resultsprojectnext); if ($numrowsnext > 0) { $rowprojectnext = mysqli_fetch_array($resultsprojectnext); $aliasnext = $rowprojectnext["alias"]; } else { $resultsprojectnext = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM ProjectsMap WHERE id =1"); $rowprojectnext = mysqli_fetch_array($resultsprojectnext); $aliasnext = $rowprojectnext["alias"]; } if ($id == 1) { $resultsprojectpre = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM ProjectsMap order by id desc limit 0,1"); $rowprojectpre = mysqli_fetch_array($resultsprojectpre); $aliaspre = $rowprojectpre["alias"]; } else { $resultsprojectpre = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM ProjectsMap where id < $id order by id desc limit 0,1"); $rowprojectpre = mysqli_fetch_array($resultsprojectpre); $aliaspre = $rowprojectpre["alias"]; } $reviewscount = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM reviewscount WHERE id = 1"); $rowreviewscount = mysqli_fetch_array($reviewscount); $yelpreviews = $rowreviewscount['yelpreviews']; $yelpratings = $rowreviewscount['yelpratings']; $googlereviews = $rowreviewscount['googlereviews']; $googleratings = $rowreviewscount['googleratings']; $facebookreviews = $rowreviewscount['facebookreviews']; $facebookratings = $rowreviewscount['facebookratings']; $angieslistreviews = $rowreviewscount['angieslistreviews']; $angieslistratings = $rowreviewscount['angieslistratings']; $houzzreviews = $rowreviewscount['houzzreviews']; $houzzratings = $rowreviewscount['houzzratings']; $nextdoorrecommendations = $rowreviewscount['nextdoorrecommendations']; $totalreviewscount = $yelpreviews + $googlereviews + $facebookreviews + $angieslistreviews + $houzzreviews + $nextdoorrecommendations; $metatitle = $title." | Future Vision Remodeling"; $metadescription = strip_tags($description); $metadescription = substr($metadescription,0,256); $metadescription = preg_replace('/\W\w+\s*(\W*)$/', '$1', $metadescription ).'...'; $pagelink = "https://www.futurevisionremodeling.com/project/".$alias; $resultsimages1 = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM ProjectsMapImages WHERE alias = '$alias' LIMIT 3"); $x = 1; while ($rowimages1 = mysqli_fetch_array($resultsimages1)) { ${"metapic" . $x} = "https://www.futurevisionremodeling.com/projects-map/".$rowimages1['pic']; $x = $x +1; } ?> <? echo $metatitle; ?>

1) { if ($countrows < 5) { $countview = $countrows; } else { $countview = 5; } ?>

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